
Our mission: human risk prevention.

While the majority of cyber security products and solutions are focused on safeguarding the computers side, human factor risk is left open being the Number 1 vector of attack.

TrueBust: The Ultimate Solution to Social Engineering Attacks

While the majority of cyber security products and solutions are focused on safeguarding the computers side, human factor risk is left open being the Number 1 vector of attack.
Even if social engineering attacks is a wide term for “human hacking” and it can take multiple forms as it may come disguised in a call from a colleague, e-mail from a service provider or text message from you carrier provider, the starting point is always the user being asked to complete a task or action.
TruBust allows you to verify in real time, any type of request coming from a person or service you trust, and through our Request-Verification-System (RVS) any attempt to deceive the user is minimized.

TrueBust: Information Security made easy for your staff

TrueBust is a new standard in Information Security, with it’s patent pending Request-Verification-System (RVS) a new chapter is open for how workforce are processing information.
With TrueBust your employees are released from the worry to train, recognize and prevent social engineering attacks by themselves.

Contact Us

Globalserve Business Centre, Vasili Michaelidi 9, Limassol 3026


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